hoosing a name is one of the hardest parts of having a new baby! Well, actually I have to say giving actual birth is a close rival.

My first baby was named “Baby Boy” for the first two weeks of his life. I got better at it as I had more kids. My second child was named in a few days. My third had about 40 names before we settled on the one that totally fits her to this day. By the time I had my sixth baby, I had a name picked out weeks before he was born, but his older siblings overrode my decision. Not wanting to be dominated by my children, I insisted on the name I had chosen. I was, afterall, the boss. When he was 14, I finally consented to let him go by the name his siblings had called him from the day he was born. Of course he loves it, he’s named after a superhero! I finally learned that as much as I wanted to be, I was not actually in charge. These are human beings with their own ideas and preferences. Live and learn.

So it’s no surprise that naming this new Membership & Community has me stumped. I want it to say exactly what the membership is all about and what is offered, but have a catchy ring to it. And not be too long. That seems a lot to ask of a name.

So I decided to ask my smart, creative faithful followers what you think!

In exchange for your time and effort, I’m going to offer an entry into a drawing for a free pair of Bee Gloves! You may use them yourself, or gift them to your favorite Tiny-Human. One entry for each submission!

I just know we can come up with something that’s just right! I was going to say Amazing, but really, it just needs to be good.

So, for your reference in coming up with a great name, here’s what’s included:

  1. First, I want it to be accessible to every new mom in the country who wants it. So it’s $7/month.
  2. Second, I know being a new mom is overwhelming, exhausting, and still you have visions of doing great things with this beautiful person who just invaded your life, your schedule, your budget, your sleep, and your heart. So the videos are short, succinct and to the point: 3 minutes or less, once a week.
  3. Third, because I know you can learn to play piano anywhere – from your neighbor, on youtube, from a friend of a friend who once took a few lessons, or from an actual piano teacher. But nowhere else can you get New Mom/Baby-appropriate, baby-sized activities to help you use music as a foundation for an Amazing Relationship (and yes, I used Amazing here).
  4. Fourth, there’s a Baby-Led Piano™ Mom Group on Facebook that’s exclusive for members only, where moms can interact with other music-loving moms, share ideas, ask questions, and get answers from other moms, and from me!
  5. Fifth, members get a 10% discount on Bee Gloves and other Baby-Led Piano Course Material!
  6. Sixth, members have access to all of the videos they’ve received as long as they are a member of this group! So you can go back for a refresher with your next baby, or just a refresher if you need it!

My sincere hope and lifelong dream is that every single child has the opportunity to grow up in a musical home where they feel safe exploring new ideas, and where music is part of everyday life.

Ready, set, go! Submit Your BEST Name Suggestions Below!