ometimes parents ask me,  “Shouldn’t I let my child decide which instrument he wants to play when he’s older?

The answer is Yes!

It’s like letting your child decide when they’re older if they want to learn to speak another language, play a particular sport, or be a botanist.  Of course you should let them decide!

In the meantime, you can give your baby the foundational building blocks for all music, while building a great relationship with them that will last a lifetime.

Knowing how to read music, deeply listen, and play the piano prepares your baby to someday choose any other musical pursuit.  I chose to also be a vocalist, and having a background in piano and music theory made me a more respected and capable musician.  In high school I noticed that other vocalists who were also pianists had the easiest time “sight-singing” or singing the notes on the page.  This gave us opportunities we might not have otherwise had.  Plus it was fun!

As a jazz singer, it was easier for me to join in the conversation with the other musicians, because I was also a musician, not “just a singer”.

Giving your baby a strong musical foundation through Parent-Led Piano is setting them up for success in not only musical pursuits, but in everything they might want to pursue! 

Sign up for the waitlist so you’ll know as soon as Baby-Led Piano launches (think late-June 2022)!!