lot of parents are worried about having their baby on a screen for an online course. I agree!
Baby girl sittin on grass and playing with butterfly.
Babies (and grown-ups) but especially babies, need organic, tactile experiences with real humans that they can touch and feel. They need to manipulate real objects with their hands, smell real dirt, feel the grass on their feet, and the real sunshine on their adorable faces. And to learn the language of music in person, from their favorite grown-ups!
That was one of my biggest concerns when I decided to create an online course. I hated the idea that I would be encouraging more screen time for little kids.
Here’s the solution:
This course is for parents! I teach you all the things you need to understand, and give you things to practice so that YOU can teach your baby in real time, in person.
I used to teach 3-year-olds in group classes, and their parents would wait in the waiting room sipping tea and reading magazines. Then I realized, these parents don’t have a clue how to help their kids play musical games at home. The only real musical value these kids are getting is once a week in class, with me! So I invited the parents to come to class. That made all the difference!
The funnest part is, these parents were often moms with 2 kids – a preschooler, and a baby! The babies got so much out of class, that I then spent the next many years of my life figuring out the best way to intentionally teach music to babies – the ones who are the most ready to learn the language of music.
Here are some things I learned:
Babies learn best from their own parents and grandparents.
Most parents don’t know how to teach music to their babies, even if they’re musically educated themselves.
Parents often welcome help with things like boundaries, discipline, and the best teaching practices for their littles.
Parents are just about as eager to learn how to help their babies thrive, as the kids themselves are eager to grow and learn!
(And I knew this from having my own kids) Babies aren’t always available at 10am every Tuesday for an in-person lesson. Maybe they’re fussy that day, maybe they need a nap, or maybe they just exploded their diaper! You never know with babies.
So I have taken all of the experience I’ve gained over the past 35+ years teaching music to little kids, and distilled it into a six-week, online course – for parents. I teach you, you teach your baby.
The course runs for six weeks, but it’s packed full of fun things to do that will keep you and your baby busy for a good while. Of course you won’t learn everything there is to know about music, or about parenting – that takes a lifetime. But you’ll get an amazing start with your amazing little human, and most importantly you’ll learn how to use music as a way to grow your relationship – so that you and your baby can be best, best friends! In person.
Baby-Led Piano™ is live right now! Your videos and super cute supplies are waiting for you, and your baby is anxious for you to teach them all about the language of music.