n fewer than two weeks, I’ll be climbing the 69 floors to reach the top of Columbia Tower in Seattle.

This is a small part of a huge effort to support research for treating cancer.

Five years ago, my son lost his fight against cancer. He was a compassionate, vibrant young man. A songwriter, a bass player, a teacher, a friend, a son, a husband, a cook, and a lover of Superheroes and all things fun and adventurous. He was doing so much good with his life when he noticed some pain in his lung. By the time he was able to get the attention of his medical providers, they discovered that he had stage 4 lung cancer. They tried everything possible to save his life, and then everything possible to help him to be comfortable. The hardest thing I ever did was to give up hope that he might be able to overcome the cancer. That hope really didn’t ever go away until the night I watched him take his last breath. There’s nothing more helpless than to watch your child suffer.

It’s my hope that fewer and fewer moms will have to go through this kind of trauma, and that fewer and fewer individuals will have to give up hope of living a full and happy life.

On the other side, I have friends who have not only lengthened their lives through cancer treatment, but who are living full, vibrant, happy and generous lives. The research IS making a difference.

So, I’m climbing Columbia Tower in 12 days. Here are some places around the Seattle area that I’ve been using to get ready.

I hope you’ll join the effort in whatever way you can. You might consider:

  • Donating what you are able – every little bit makes a difference
  • Share the link below, or this story, or both, with your friends and family
  • Join our team

I know we all want to make a difference in this world in ways that are meaningful, and in ways that we are able to. I hope this is one way you are able to help make a difference.

So much love,

Miss Holly