haring music with people we love.”

That’s what musical performances should be about. So every Spring Little Bird Piano Academy® students and families are invited to participate in an annual Ensemble Festival!

Kids have the opportunity to meet their piano friends, adults get to meet the other parents and grown-up piano friends, join in some group performances (don’t worry, they’re very doable,) listen to some piano solos and some ensembles, and enjoy some light refreshments (families are welcome to bring a small treat to share if that makes the experience more fun for you and your littles.) 

All performance is voluntary.

Sharing music has traditionally been a mandatory part of piano lessons, and can feel a little (or a lot) intimidating. Taking away the pressure of having to perform, of feeling like one’s piece needs to be perfect and will be judged, somehow results in more students and parents jumping in and wanting to participate, and of more students and parents enjoying a wonderful experience performing. This can translate into a lifetime of sharing, appreciating, and connecting through the powerful language of music!

Btw you might already feel the anxiety that many experience when they think of performing. If this is you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Blame it on our culture. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PERFORM if you don’t want to. If you feel like it, you can tap your toe or clap along with a group activity, or just smile and clap at the end of someone else’s performance. Just being there will help you and your child to feel the joy of musical participation. And should you change your mind at any time (which sometimes happens at these events) let me know and you can do an impromptu performance. Remember, perfection isn’t the goal here: The goal is to have fun, to practice sharing, and to connect with others through music.  

So no matter how you choose to participate, know that you are loved and welcome.