ew Year’s is the time to set goals for the coming year. Right?
Some people like to review what went wrong and what went right during the past year, and to establish new goals. I have to say, some of my goals have actually become reality, and it feels great! But I think mostly I, like a lot of people, tend to quickly set those successes aside and look for something new and shiny.
I’m wondering if that’s the best way to launch the next part of our lives? Maybe there’s something we can learn from babies that will help.

Babies and toddlers definitely look for something new and shiny, but they’re also fantastic at being present in the moment.
Being present is becoming a bit of a buzzword, and I don’t know how often we really take the time to understand it, or how valuable it is to breathe and enjoy each moment.
I’m reading a book by Eckhart Tolle, called A New Earth, where he goes in depth into the idea of becoming awakened, or present. I love this book and what I’m learning! Since I get to be around babies and toddlers all the time, I’m noticing some things about them that seem to be universal to little kids, elusive to most of us adults, and I think they’re tracking what Mr. Tolle is talking about. Babies are naturally present in the moment. They are less worried about the past or the future, or what anyone else thinks, for that matter.
We adults are often anxiously coaxing them to think ahead, learn from their mistakes, and become more like us. While those things are important, we might do well to notice how our kids are living in the moment, and sometimes do more of that. It can have a profound effect on our happiness in life, and the sense of security and well-being of our kids.

Here are some suggestions to help you get started:
- Breathe, being aware of the air going in and out of your body
- Put away your phone for a while
- Notice the little things as they happen
- Enjoy the simple fact that you’re here with your child, right now
- Engage fully with your littles, even for a few minutes at a time
- Of course, you can expect me to add playing music together.
Playing music together in a fun, relaxed, nonjudgmental environment, is one of the best ways to connect and to be present. Just make sure you let it be whatever it is, with no demands or expectations. Breathe, and enjoy your time together!

There’s so much to do and be as adults, and especially as parents. Taking a few minutes here and there to set all of that aside and just BE WITH these tiny humans will do wonders for your child, and for you.

btw I highly recommend A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.
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